**This tournament is cancelled!**
Jorgo Vanhees was involved in a car accident in Indonesia. The accident happened on the 26th of May. A car ran into Jorgo, putting him into a coma. He has many fractures in his face, lost a lot of blood, and unfortunately suffered severe head trauma.After the accident, he was rushed to the hospital. An 8-hour surgery was performed to relieve the pressure on his brain, and he is currently being kept in an induced coma on the intensive care. His fever is dropping, but doctors have stated that they need 2-3 more weeks to have a better idea of what will happen.
His father is currently with him in Indonesia, and his mother has started a donation campaign. The medical bills are already huge (20k+) and more money is required to repatriate Jorgo to his home in Belgium. Unfortunately, Jorgo didn’t have any travel insurance to cover his medical expenses.
If you would like to contribute, you can donate money using this link: https://www.doneeractie.nl/repatri-235-ring-uit…/-78065
We are also exploring other options to raise money so that we can donate that as well. If you have any other ideas or if you have unfortunately experienced similar situations that can help the family, please reach out to us.
Regarding the tournament, to be honest I am not sure yet as to what to do. I will continue to check how Jorgo is doing and make a decision several weeks before the tournament to see if and how we will proceed.
2023 Belgian Open
On Sunday, August 13 we host the 2nd Belgian Open @https://www.facebook.com/hettrefpuntgenk/ in Genk, Belgium.
The tournament starts at 11:00 (doors open as from 10:00) and there will be 6 rounds of Swiss.
The fee is € 25,- and this includes lunch, a goodie and a raffle.
Dinner is optional and costs € 20,-
The maximum amount of players is 40.
The vendor on site is Retromagic, https://www.cardmarket.com/en/Magic/Users/RetroMagic
Register via this link: https://forms.gle/4AXbr2aHW7Bf1Uiy9